Cannabidiol, or CBD as you may know it is one of the compounds found in

cannabis that has many medicinal benefits! CBD’s properties may include

anti- inflammation, pain relief, anti-anxiety, anti-cancer, anti-tumor,

reduces muscle spasticity, helps seizures, migraines, headaches, lower’s

blood pressure and blood sugar. CBD can also mitigate the psycho-activity

of THC.

CBD may have the potential to relieve such conditions as arthritis, anxiety,

PTSD, epileptic seizures, diabetic neuropathy, MS, fibromyalgia,

autoimmune disease, and chronic pain. CBD has also demonstrated

neuroprotective and neurogenic effects, which is good for those suffering

from dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Lately there is a preoccupation in the non-psychoactive medicine causing a

renewed interest in growing industrial hemp in the US. Hemp plants

typically produce <0.3% THC which is within the federal guidelines. The

hemp is generating revenue for all kinds of products in addition to the

therapeutic CBD oil. So, industrial hemp will contribute greatly to the US


As far as the federal government is concerned, any CDB rich plant with

greater than 0.3% THC is considered “marijuana” and is restricted from

growing and extracting. In 2014 the process of legalizing hemp for the

purposes of research had begun in Congress.

Let’s fast forward to 2018.

Both houses of Congress passed the 2018 Farm Bill and on December 20,

2018, President Trump signed the Farm Bill into law! This means that

industrial hemp and its derivatives, including CBD is legal.

What changed?

The 2018 Farm Bill defines hemp “to include all derivatives, extracts,

cannabinoids.” The bill clearly defines federal regulation and licensing for

lawful production ensuring protection and oversight. Farmers and all

hemp industries are protected from Federal prosecution for THC

production higher than 0.3% as long as good will action is taken to correct

over production of THC.

The 2018 Farm Bill allows and protects interstate transportation and

commercial sales of industrial hemp.

Another important distinction of the 2018 Farm Bill is that the legal term

for “marijuana” does NOT include hemp in its definition. Simply put,

industrial hemp is a legalized crop!

Even with the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill there are some restrictions.

Briefly, the FDA restricts the sales of CBD infused foods and beverages

across state lines.

I am so often asked if there is a difference between CBD from hemp or

cannabis strains. The answer is NO for medicinal efficacy. A molecule of

CBD is the same no matter its origin. The human body does not recognize

whether CBD comes from high THC strains or hemp.

However, medicinal benefits are enhanced when CBD interacts with the

plant’s/strain’s cannabinoid, terpenoid and flavonoid profile. CBD works

best with the phytocannabinoid, THC.

Consumers beware. Purchase CBD products that are produced within the

U.S. when possible, artisan made, and laboratory tested.

At Summit, we offer CBD capsules, tinctures, vapes, transdermal patches,

topicals, and more. The first thing you should know about our CBD

products is that the oil originates from organically grown hemp. Summit

looks forward to the opportunity to speak with you about our CBD

products. We will take the time to explain to you, efficacy, potency, dosing,

onset and duration!!

Thank you